Eliminating Inefficiencies One Small Step at a Time

Making a custom handle


Working at SHS Preventive Medicine

With the invention of the COVID-19 vaccine, the Preventive Medicine department became a hub of activity. Every day nurses would come up to my window and struggle to open the sliding window in front of my desk.

The Solution

In order to eliminate this constant struggle to open the window, I designed and 3D printed a small handle that would slide over the current handle on the inside.

The handle was printed on my CR 6SE in Aggie Maroon, of course, and had the department name and a little syringe icon on it for some flare. And, like a true artist, I signed my name on the side where it would mostly be unseen but I knew it was always there.

A 3D model of the handle can be viewed at Spline PrevMed Handle


Furry Feeder


2 Story New Construction